I'm a Great Godmother!
Little Lily has arrived in the world
and now I feel very old, but very excited.
My God Daughter was backpacking a couple of years ago
and guess what?! ...
Met a true blue Aussie in Noosa and hasn't left.
Happens to the best of us!
Even though this little pram blanket won't get too much use up there
in Queensland, it will be handy for chillier evening or early morning pram walks.
For the first time ever, I have planned this one.
I'd forgotten how much I love colouring in,
taking advantage of The Fairy's extensive felt tip collection.
For the last baby blanket I used the Random Strip Generator,
which was most excellent,
but ended up changing a few things as I went along.
On this one, I don't want the brown side by side with the plum,
which will be the least used colour.
Hoping to get cracking on some little singlets for Lily too.
Sharing here.