
05 December 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like ...

This weekend we made a trip out to Penrith
to the AAA Christmas Tree Farm.
Such choice!
The final decision made, Man O' Mine
donned his tree cutting and carrying shirt
and set to with saw and muscles
to bring home the perfect tree.
This is one of our traditions.
I try to embrace it, even though driving for over an hour
to look for a Christmas tree is totally against my practical self.
I struggle with Christmas preparations when it's hot enough to wear
a bikini and drink icy cocktails,
and not be wearing a woollie pully,
wrapped up in a scarf, sipping cocoa.
I go for the Nutcracker, meets the sea
and manic crafter tree theme.
Each year new bought and handmade ornaments are added to the tree.
This year The Fairy decorated the tree with her Da early on Sunday morning.
Did I mention the house is covered in lights
and lit up like, well, a Christmas tree?
We are truly the Griswalds.

03 November 2011

My Creative Space

In the Round.

I've almost finished this sleep over bag for The Fairy.

I had crocheted a strap to put over it,
but it just didn't seem right.

I've left it alone for a couple of days,
in the hope that I'll come up with
that something right.
I'm leaning heavily towards making it a back pack.

The pattern is based on
Lucy's crochet bag from
I say based, because I came across it on another blog
(sorry, I cannot remember)
and just looked at the picture and decided I could do that.
There was another bag before this one.
It is eNORmous.
That's what just looking does.

For this one I used a smaller hook and less rows in the round before I started
decreasing the stitches.
I have put a drawstring with pom poms through the top.
It is super cute, even if I do say so myself.
Two back pack straps will just finish it off,
keeping the super cute intact, me thinks.

Have a wander here for a view onto a creative world.


31 October 2011


Busy sewing up a Halloween costume for The Fairy.

One of my favourite autumn celebrations
(northern hemisphere)
It's still very odd for me to go trick or treating
in the light, wearing little more than shorts and t-shirt.

The Fairy has been invited to a friend's for a party
followed by trick or treating.
I won't be joining her this year, as it clashes with Spanish lessons.

I didn't think the 14 year old in the house would be interested.
Got that wrong.
He put in an order for a Zorro costume last night.
Too Late!
He will have to be happy with a nerd pack from the $2 shop.
Zorro was reaching $50 at the fancy dress shop.
Of course if I had had enough notice,
I could have put a spectacular something together for him
without breaking the bank.

Off to sort out a something or other for the Fairy head.
Me thinks this is a  glue gun opportunity - yippee!

Are you heading out this evening?
Happy Halloween!


28 October 2011

What was that song ...?

I got a brand new pair of rollerskates ...
(Well not me, The Fairy)

The birthday money from relatives has been spent.
Couldn't wait for Father Christmas.
I rather fancy a pair myself.
I always wanted some as a child.
We shared a 3rd hand bike between 3 of us,
so skates were never going to happen.
The Fairy was practicing around the house for an evening.
The next day we had a skate to the park.
She made it all the way back too.

Lots of fun.

We are off to see Mary Poppins tomorrow.
The Fairy and I.
We gave her tickets for her birthday.
We are both as excited as each other.
She picked out her outfit before going to bed last night.
We will have lunch in the city
and a mooch around Zara beforehand.

What are you up to for the weekend?


24 October 2011

Blooming Marvellous Monday

Happy Monday!

This is what you get for 25c
from our driveway flower stall.


19 October 2011


Him Indoors wanted to learn a different language.
His dream is to sail around the globe
and I advised him that Spanish is spoken all over the world
(totally off the top of my head, because he asked and that was the answer I came up with).
He started last term, but work commitments meant he only attended two classes.
He deferred to this term and booked me in as well.

Off we went on Monday evening.
There was a quick dash to the stationary shop on Monday morning,
because; any excuse really.

What fun!
I'm looking forward to next week.

This little package arrived yesterday from
Leah of
I won the giveaway
Yoo Hoo!
Have rarely won anything in my life, so this was an exciting moment for me.
The peanut slab has already been devoured
and the Fairy has her eye on the little flax bag.
The photo does not do justice to the pendant,
it's truly a beautiful piece.
Thanks Leah!

Sydney is just glorious this week.
Hope all yours are going well.

19 September 2011

The Weekend That Was

The Fairy insisted on writing out all 20 of her birthday invitations herself.
As time went on it was all about just getting them distributed for me.
So on Saturday at 1.50pm when I was having 10 mins sit down
before putting a frock on and gathering my thoughts and waiting for painkillers
to kick in (against migraine) for a 2.30pm start,
I was floored when guests started arriving for a 2pm start.
I had a bit of moment ... for just a moment.
Luckily my wonderful sister-in-law was already up from Victoria
for the Confirmation the following day.
As I changed and doused my face with cold water,
she ushered all the early birds outside for a Cats' Cradle session.
I came out to find 15 girls concentrating hard on making a Witch's Hat.
Just beautiful.
Who knew pieces of string could be so all consuming.
As the 2.30's started arriving they all joined in and we had to drag them
to the tables to make some tea cup biscuits.
There was Who Am I
and team races in park.
The girls were all just joyful and it was magical and precious.
Being migraine bound since Friday the cake was not what I had planned.
I saw this cake on someone's blog a few weeks ago and apologies
because I now cannot remember whose.
At the time I thought how simple and lovely.
And it was.
Bringing lots of Ooooos and Aaaahhhs from the party crowd.
A great day for
Miss Eight.

How was your weekend?


14 September 2011

There's A Birthday In D' House ...

Everybody say "Yeah!"

In the blink of an eye and here I am again.
Has it truly been one whole year since the last one.
Is my baby really turning EIGHT?!

Am I really hosting another cast of thousands on Saturday
 for fun, games, merriment and nosh?!

Tomorrow is the big day.
Presents are wrapped.
Jelly cups are made for the whole class.
Cup cakes have been made for much loved teachers,
with labels for their own personal noodle boxes.

Tomorrow I will think about Saturday.
Can't get my head around it right now.

Sunday is also The Fairy's Confirmation.
A HUGE weekend in store.
I've been busy making a dress and cape for the big day.

If asked to describe herself in class today:
"I will say 'excited'. Because that is what I am."
Oh to be 7 turning 8.
I'd love to freeze this moment.


03 September 2011

Lets Make ...

A pillow case for Da.
A day of preparations.
Fathers' Day tomorrow.
Busy busy busy.
There will be toast in bed.
Surfing and rock climbing are being planned.

What are you planning for tomorrow?

Happy Weekend


05 August 2011



After a bit of a break in the kitchen,
(too busy watching Masterchef to actually cook),
I was forced to action some cupcakes today.
Year 2 Cake Sale Today.

Do you qualify as a bad mummy
if you enjoy baking without your offspring around?
The pinnacle moment for me is licking the spoon.
Is it such a bad, wicked thing to want to do that myself
every once in a while?
Cake sale is starts in 40 minutes,
just enough time to clean evidence off my face
and bundle cakes up.

Happy Weekend

Sat AM: $1000 dollars raised at cake sale - woo hoo!

03 August 2011

Washing Up Wednesday

Meet my washing up companion.
This rather shocked looking little creature
brings a smile to my face,
whilst engaged on one of my least
favourite occupations at the kitchen sink.
Having managed to grow a beard,
he gets treated to a daily trip to the barbers.
I love that this makes me happy.

Life is coming back to normal here.
The no longer sick boy has returned full time to school.
The pushed aside girl is back in the middle of it,
and happy.
All is well.


27 July 2011

Small Steps ...

I've been gone.
Now I'm not sure how to venture back.

There's been a sick child.
A lot of worry.
A convalescing child.
A frustrated child.
A child passed around.
A child feeling left out.

Small steps.
One at a time.


23 June 2011

My Creative Space

It's been Granny Central around here recently.
When I was pregnant with The Fairy I attempted
The Granny  Square.
What I ended up with, couldn't have been less square.
It's taken me a long time to go back there,
and now I just can't stop.
The cushion started out as a project for the
plane journey to Darwin.
The Fairy is completely delighted with the new
addition to her bedroom.
Having completed this,
and loving the colours so much,
I started a blanket for each niece in London.
One is finished - Hooray.
I joined the squares on the last round of each square
and made it up as I went along.
It looks a bit strange I know,
but there's nothing like a bit of texture
and I've learnt how to do it more neatly in future
through the process.
Shipping to London for Christmas is the end of September.
I am determined not to sink into a lull of false security,
and am on a mission to get the second one finished ASAP.

I'm love, love, loving the Granny Square!
Woo Hoo.

I've tried all the suggestions to try and put my inability to leave comments on blogger problem right.
Nothing has worked and I still unable to leave comments on blogs that do not have a separate pop up box for comments, but an embedded comments section on post.
Apologies in advance for all the comments I will not be leaving today.
Be assured I love flitting around and visiting all the creations happening out there.

You can click here to see them for yourself.


15 June 2011

A Spot of Opping

What's a girl to do when it's pouring rain, windy and cold and she's broke?
Head to the nearest charity shop and have a good sort through.
I'm really  happy with these finds.
It's always great to spot sheets in the original packaging.
These cost $15, which is more than I would normally spend,
but they are in such good condition.  I'm hoping I will be able to
remove all the sticky from the label stuck directly onto the fabric.

The round tablecloth caught my eye from the bottom of a pile.
It reminds me of tableware in the alp region of Italy.
It will be perfect for summer dining on our outdoor table
(which seems like a lifetime away today).
This weather calls for some casserole action.
I've pulled a lamb and green bean casserole recipe
out of Tessa Kiros' Apples for Jam
and we'll all be cosy and warm for dinner tonight.

To all  my fellow bloggers out there who have not heard from me...
I still cannot leave comments on most of my regular blog reads.
This has left me feeling most despondent about the whole blog thing
as that is half the fun.
For this reason I have begun shying away from even posting
as the joy has been diminished and the frustration
I feel  when trying to post comment permeates my day and robs my peace.
Blogger is showing this problem as a fixed issue,
I'm at a cross roads:
Do I carry on with blogger and rise above it
Change blog platform
Just give in and bow out

I'm off to start the casserole

30 May 2011

Kakadu Dreaming

Sunset Overlooking Nourlangie Rock

Walking Around Nourlangie Rock

Yellow River Wetland Boat Trip

It's been a while.
I have had a few problems logging in to Blogger,
since it suffered a major hiccup a few weeks ago.
I have not been able to access the posting tab of my dashboard,
or leave comments on other blogs.
I am hoping that is behind me now.
Fingers crossed.

It's wet and wild in Sydney today.
The Fairy and I walked to school through the hail this morning.
Loaded down with wellies and macintoshes,
we were a little bit late, as I decided not to leave the house
until the thunder and lightening stopped.

Our trip to the Northern Territory seems light years away from this weather.
Only a month ago we were walking through the heat of Kakadu
discovering the land of ancient tribes,
and riding on sunset boat cruises.

I am hoping to have a productive week.
We have pulled the house apart,
had a garage sale, donated, done a run to the tip.
It's a liberating feeling and I am ready to move on.

Happy Monday to you all.
What are your plans for the week?


19 May 2011

My Creative Space

Another WIP.
This is the blanket for my son,
ordered to match his Miami Dolphins room theme.
Although it is now really steaming along,
I keep checking he is still a top fan.
It is going to be enormous.
I got a bit carried away with the foundation row,
and overcompensated for the chevron pattern.
Oh well it will be lovely and snugly.
Not sure that it will actually be ready for
the end of winter.

Click Here
to see some more creations.


17 May 2011


On our way to Kakadu National Park,
we stopped and hopped on board
The Spectacular Jumping Crocodile Cruise.
'Guaranteed crocodile spotting'.
And indeed these creatures heard
the boat engines and made their way out of
the shelter of the banks
to jump for dangled meat.
Wild and untamed, but creatures of habit.
I reckon they can tell the time
by the boats.
The wild kites also recognise the engines,
and fly past to pick up thrown pieces of meat.
The kids loved the whole thing,
and I love that they loved it.

Have a happy Tuesday.

15 May 2011

My Lost Creative Space

Blogger had a major dummy spit last Thursday.
My original post was lost along with all
the lovely comments.
 I was unable to log on to my blogger ID
and leave comments
on anyone else's.
Please accept apologies for not getting back to you
and thank you for your comments
I always love to read them.

I am hoping that all is up and running properly again.

This is the hexagon blanket started last November

Kirsty at Kootoyoo
has set up a whole new blog
for the Creative Space sharing scene
pop by and have a wander.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


09 May 2011

Darwin Colour

More of Darwin today.
Saturday is Parap Market day.
A bustling hub of food and bits and pieces.

Man O Mine took the kids off for an hour,
so I could have a wander on my own.

A must for your Darwin itinerary.

Happy Monday

04 May 2011

Top End

We had the BEST time in the Northern Territory.
It's a crazy place, the last frontier.
Here's a glimpse of relaxing Darwin style.
The first couple of days were spent around the pool
and feeding the fish at Aquascene.
This was a  favourite with both hubby and kids.

Lots more to come.


29 April 2011

Bunting & Bubbly

I am neither royalist nor anti-royalist,
but I do LURVE a royal event
particularly a wedding.
Preparations going on here today for our Pommie street party tomorrow.

Menu includes:
chipolatas on a stick
sausage rolls
cheese and pineapple on a stick - stuck on grapefruit
cucumber sandwiches (crust cut off)
egg and cress sandwiches

Games include:
Pin the crown on Kate
Make your own crown

Dress Code:
Wedding attire or something British
I've dug out some curlers and a headscarf for Hilda Ogden

Bubbles are in the fridge ready for this evening.
We are heading down to English friends
to cook a roast with all the trimmings,
followed by a Bread & Butter Pudding.
To be consumed on the verandah whilst watching the live stream
via a projector onto the shade cloth.
All very exciting.

What are you up to.

Whatever you are doing - have a super time.

Good Luck to Will & Kate


25 April 2011

Lest We Forget

We flew in on the overnight flight from Darwin,
landing in Sydney at 6.30am this morning.
A quiet Anzac Day for us this year.
I dedicate this post to all those who have fought
for us to live the life we live.
For all the lives lost I shed a tear,
it is always poignant day.
Usually we would attend a service or march,
but it wasn't going to happen today.
We live with our very own digger.
I especially dedicate this to my brave husband
who has seen active service and still stands tall.

This photo was taken last year.
The Fairy with her Da as he gets ready to march through Sydney.

We are so proud of you
and lucky to have you back safe with us.

To all those souls who did not make it home;
a tear and a prayer.


13 April 2011

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Easter Holidays are here - woo hoo!
We are busy packing to head off to the Top End.
There is stuff everywhere and we leave in 2 hours.
I am confident it will all come together.

I bought some cheap wool at Big W the other day to work on
a granny square blanket on the plane.
Whilst in the queue a lady commented that seeing
people buying wool makes her want to knit.
I mentioned on-line tutorials on You-Tube
and the conversation came around to blogging.
Oh Carmel's Closet - I read you!
Said the lovely Meg Smith.

[Meg, please tell Nadia to click on the facebook
link on the right side of my blog to go through to
Lucy, my friend who teaches knitting locally.
Also if you email me I will send you details of our
knitting (& crochet club) which meets once a fortnight.]

We will arrive in Darwin tonight.
The forecast is for hot and sticky.
The intention is that kids and I are all day in the pool tomorrow,
while him what works goes to work.
We head off to Kakadu for a few days in the middle.
What are you up to for Easter?

I couldn't resist starting the granny blanket the other evening.
I've been wanting to try for ages and I'm loving how
quickly it is coming together.

Happy Easter!

09 April 2011

Glue Guns & Recitals

I love glue guns.
And now so does The Fairy.
Last week I missed her Easter Bonnet Piano Recital,
due to the dreaded migraine,
but we had fun putting her bonnet together.
I was the glue gunner, gunning where instructed
and The Fairy was designer and constructor.
There was a pointing finger caught in the crossfire
at one stage, but it was taken with a brave face
and overcome by the determination to finish.
Hubby was able to take her to the event,
and had tears in his eyes.
Oh well next time.

Happy Weekend.

02 April 2011

Still Here & A Sneek Peek

I am still here
I promise.
Yet again download speed has crashed to a minimum.
Him indoors has just upgraded our plan,
which should start next week.
I may not have been on line,
but I have been very occupied.
See the 'sneek peek' above.
I've been having lots of fun.
Up until Thursday when a colossal migraine hit.
The kids know its bad when they are given golden arches
takeaway for dinner.
The man is back for 24 hours between trips and saved the day.
I've just surfaced for half and hour, but am heading back to bed.

Hope it's Happy Saturdays out there for everybody.


15 March 2011


This week has seen a trip to the library.
And a bit of experimentation with the bobble stitch.
This was going to be another knee throw for the couch.
It seems that the bobble stitch
has thrown in an unintentional sort of gather thing.
Which makes a blanket a sort of a funny shape.
Well a whole lot of a funny shape really.
What is to be done?


... A skirt
I have decided, yes, that this will be a wrap around skirt.
It will have red buttons and a kilt pin.
It will be worn on the one winter's day that visits Sydney.
It will be worn with woolly grey tights and my long chunky Jigsaw boots,
that came back with my from London 7 years ago,
and are just not wearing out from the 10 days a year wear they get.

It's going to take a bit more than a few library books
until I'm making these garments ...

Ferragamo and Burberry featured in this month's In Style.
My sister's neighbour was over from London and staying nearby.
We hooked up for coffee and a chat about the homeland.
She off loaded already flicked through mag to me.
I never buy them, but always have an eager looksie.

Hope all is well in Blogland.

07 March 2011

Postman's Knock

I love being able to communicate in an instant with computers.
However, I do miss lovely letters in the post.
These days the only thing delivered in the post box are bills.
With our on-line lifestyle comes on-line shopping, which I also love.
The best thing about on-line shopping is the delivery.

The postman left this package on my doorstep the other morning.


It arrived only 3 days after I tip tapped the order on my keyboard.

My son put in an request for a crochet blanket last year.
I've finally gotten round to at least buying the yarn.
He is a keen Miami Dolphin grid iron fan -
guess why I choose these colours.

This will take the best part of winter,
as I plan to make a full size single blanket
(am I crazy?!)
Just planning the stripe combo and intend to start at the weekend.
Wish me luck.


05 March 2011

Local Loverlies

When I'm feeling a bit
These castings on a local beach walk
always make me happy.

Happy Weekend